Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oh Look a New Blogger!

So after some encouragement from friends and family, I've decided to enter into the already cluttered blog-O-sphere.  What the heck....I tend to post long musings and observations on facebook...might as well try and trim that up a little bit and give my "friends" a break.  This way, if anyone really gives a flip, they can follow my blog.
So...if you know me at all, you know I tend to find myself in really funny or crazy situations.  I like to talk or write about these things, because I think they are so funny.  Weird stuff really does happen to me all of the time.  I like to think it's because I just happen to notice the weird stuff happening, but I actually think I"m a magnet for weirdness.  It's like my niece once said to me..."I'm,( meaning my niece), am a magnet for Fat Boys"  We were in a bar, so I thought she said "Frat Boys", not so much....right about the time I was contemplating how she knew that a guy was in a fraternity, along comes a really BIG boy, and asks her to dance....of course she said "yes" as she looked back at me and winked.  See what I mean, normal everyday stuff, that I like to tuck away for a future giggle!
Follow my crazy's usually a fun ride!


Fiddledeedee said...

Yeah Kimlet!!!!

Unknown said...

large leap of faith...what if I have to "create content"? This could be disastrous! : )

Tiffany @ Mine Are Spectacular! said...

I can't wait to read!

Unknown said...

Tiff... do you mean read MORE? or were not able to read my post for some unknown reason? Just checking...