Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Plumbers Tail....

<<<   General Contractor's face is right in PLUMBER'S CRACK... this is a PG blog...so I didn't put the zoomed in photo up!

Like my friend says.... You can't make this stuff up...NO sir ree!!! 
Really? Really?

 May 8th and  I'm on the verge of a breakdown.  You can see from the photo's below that there doesn't seem to have been a lot of headway made in the past week or 10 days. 
May 9th:  Someone is going to die today....
May 14th:   I had to take a little blogging breather, in order to regroup. I haven't been able to regroup so  I've just decided to let go and let God... and until this project from hell is completed and I can reclaim my home, I just need to learn to deal.  So I will blog. 

Back to May 8th.... So good 'ole boy Mr. Plumber/Electrician/Jack of all trades but master of none! ... a subcontractor of my General Contractor, comes beeboppin' into my home with just a little too much of a happy face goin' on...bright red nose, 5 day old growth on the face, pudgy belly on a skinny frame. Sorry for the run on sentences, I'm typing really fast and can't seem to spew it out fast enough....my English teacher and father are cursing me right now!  I knew in an instant this dude had a little drinky drinky problem.  I sorta let it go, trusting my GC to monitor the work that was being done.  OMG WHAT WAS I THINKING?????  GC had left for awhile, I guess doing what GC's do....juggle jobs. 

He (drunky)  spent the first day hooking up ONE light, and taking nips from a bottle in his truck while making multiple treks to his truck to retrieve the tools he needed to hook up ONE light.  I think he was on the job for a total of 5 hours.  I'm sure he was just exhausted because we all know 2 for Tuesdays can tear you up!  Luckily for him it was Wednesday and we all know he had Wet your Whistle Wednesday on his radar!  So... on day 2 he shows up at 10:30 a.m., gets out of his truck, wearing the SAME clothes as the previous day, scratches his belly and rubs his 6 day old facial hair and prepares to TEAR DOWN AN ENTIRE WALL....to run some non-existent plumbing for a bathtub that doesn't have plumbing coming from the wall.  I had to walk out, take a deep breath and walk back in and ask him to please, set down your big hammer.  He came close enough to me that  I think I got a little drunky myself from the bender he had been on.   It was at that point that I knew I had to get this dude out of my home, but I had to be clever so as not to risk possible jail time, because trust me, he was so drunk from 2 for Tuesday, and Wet Your Whistle Wednesday, I could have easily taken him down...and I would have!  I sent him to Home Depot telling him I had to have white switches, and wanted them RIGHT NOW!  Dude's head was pounding from his bender, I'm screeching, another contractor was shifting from foot to foot watching this train wreck and my DOG is going crazy!  It was at this point that I seriously considered asking drunk plumber for a sip. 

So if you read my face book post on Thursday... I didn't feel like having water come spraying out of my toilet, a la bidet... or have to kneel down to wash my hair in my shower... or have my bathtub mysteriously start flushing on me.... all the while being electrocuted.  I kindly asked my GC to get his butt back on MY job and check everything that had been done the day before.... and to make sure Mr. Happy didn't come back to my house.  
Welp.... as luck would have it. Mr. Happy DID come back to my house to bring back the GC's credit cards (does it get any better than this?)  and he know's not to even think about coming inside my home through the front door, so he crawls through the bathroom window... hahhahahahha!!!!!!!  YOU cannot MAKE THIS STUFF UP!!!!!  

My Garage...hell hole
New Vanity....note the shoe box on  top
of other boxes....I broke down and went shoe
shopping, because that makes everything

So we had to wait for a new plumber, to come back out on MONDAY....drunk plumber cost me 4 days!  Awesome! Super Awesome!!!  So....a lot of people have been asking for those progress shots and well, it doesn't appear as though much has been made, GC keeps assuring me that a lot of it is hidden progress.  Double Awesome!  Also....as a footnote....These guys must eat a LOT of fiber!   The paint is now peeling off my walls in my guest bath.  I just open the door every few days, toss in new roll of TP and quickly shut the door.  I cannot even bear to cross the threshold. 
 I want one of those auto spray down defumigator, destinkafier thingy's like they have in Europe!  

1 comment:

Tiffany @ Mine Are Spectacular! said...

Uggggghhhhh! My favorite part of any construction project that I have going on is when I walk in they all stop working and just stare. Sigh. I don't pay them to stare, I pay them to WORK... get your butts moving!