Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baby What Day is It?

As the rooster crowed this morning, garbage truck rolled down the street, at Zero Dark Thirty, my beloved turned me and said, "baby what day is it?"  I said, "Thursday, the day the new bath tub is delivered"  he made a grunting sound and then I remembered,  "OH,  AND we have Italian class tonight!"  Then he let out a full blown moaning sound....I knew it was gonna be a good day!!!  
You see, I have a friend, FiddleDeeDee, that writes about her homeschooling experience, and her brilliant daughter takes a Classical Conversation Class,  (Latin)  I thought what the heck, if a kid can learn LATIN, surely my hubby and I could benefit from an Italian For Fun class, in preparation for our upcoming visit.  Well, our brains are old, I have a Spanish or French accent on every word I pronounce in Italian, hubby has a Kentucky, Tennessee, country twang to every word he pronounces, and I feel like my eyes are crossed in the room we are in,  so I  have a hard time looking at her (instructors) face! Just saying!  We are doomed!
Also, we haven't been very diligent with our homework....well, except I found out that hubby has been secretly listening to the audio CD, and learning new words that he springs on me at the most inappropriate times!  Like at dinner, in a noisy restaurant, he whispers "Lampada",  I get all giggly and just know he is about to put his famous moves on me...because I thought he said "ya wanna" and raised his eyebrows up and down a few times....NOPE.... he was telling me that he knew the word for LAMP!! LAMP???? REALLY???   
So, I plan on slipping that CD into my vehicle today, and I'm gonna bust out a few words on him, when HE least expects my very best Spanish, French, Texan, Tennessee, Virgin Islander accent!                   Ciao for now my friends! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! you are now a blogger... Better than being a logger!