Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Fifty Shades of Grey!

I KNEW that title would catch some of you!!!   This isn't going to be a blog about weird stuff going on behind closed doors....NOOOO  this is a blog about one of my most favorite people ever!!!  My HAIRDRESSER!!!!..oops I mean Hair STYLIST!!!  

He has magic hands...he can take this pile of hair and turn it into a work of art, which lasts exactly one day! I mean I walk out his door feeling like Connie Briton...(People Magazines Most Beautiful People, her HAIR won her that title)   "Me and My Hair want to thank you very much for selecting us for this honor"  Except her hair looks good forever, mine lasts one day.  Because I'm a failure at fixing it....ohhhh if I could just bring him home with me!!!!! 

My guy has been my hairdresser for about 17 years.....there were a few years that we lost touch, but we found each other again and it was like long lost lovers running into each others arms... except he's gay and I'm married so we definitely aren't lovers, but I do love him! and I tell him all of the time that if I wasn't married and he wasn't gay, we would definitely be a perfect couple!  Ladies...he massages my HEAD!!! and he can wield a blow dryer like no other.....

My guy has seen me through some pretty dark days...(I"m not talking about just my hair color)  He has listened while I've poured out my heart to him.  What is it about sitting in a chair, with enough  tin foil to pick up radio waves from Bora Bora,  that enables women to talk about things that are usually reserved for girlfriends only, or a therapist.  Who needs to spend all of that hard earned money on a therapist????   Ladies, I'm here to tell you that if you have a good hairdresser, there is no need to pay a therapist!  

No matter what is going on in his life or how booked up his schedule is, when I sit down in that chair, he makes me feel like the next few hours I am the most important person ever.  I mean let's be honest, I have enough hair that requires enough work. to keep him in his designer clothes to wear to his Cher or Kristen Chenowith concerts.  
 anyhow.....He is always in a good mood, no matter what is going on in his drama Queen life...oops did I just say that? 
When I come in, feeling all frumpy and dumpy, he takes one look at me and like my nanny used to say.... "honey, what's the matter, come here and sit down and let's make you all better"  only he's all gay and Southern and says something like, Gurl, get up in ma big chair-a,  I'ma goin' make you gorgeogeous!!"   And then he let's out the biggest howling laugh you have ever heard!!   He makes me grin from ear to ear the entire time I'm with him!   It's so worth spending my retirement money for a few hours with this guy.... he even gives my hair a little tug at the end of our therapy session, which leads me to believe he and I HAVE been reading the same books...
me and my hair exactly one day before it turns disastrous again....sigh...if  only I could  have a live in stylist.

1 comment:

Tiffany @ Mine Are Spectacular! said...

And you always look fabulous!

I used to tell my hair stylist that he gave the best bjs in town... using the hair dryer, of course!