Sunday, May 5, 2013

Always Wear Clean Underwear!

Let's just get the big white elephant out of the room....I LOVE Firemen!!! There! I said it!!!! Now I can proceed.

It's a week before Mother's Day, and well, the week leading up to this joyous occasion usually causes me to be a complete teary eyed mess.  I lost my mom when I was just the tender age of 13 and while it's been a long time, the pain lies just below the surface and can rear it's ugly crying face with just the glimpse of a photo or a fleeting thought.  Yesterday, I happen to be cleaning, when I glanced up at my refrigerator and looked at a picture of my babies.  It made me miss my mom and all of the times that I've needed her and how I wished she would have seen me grow up and get married and have two beautiful children and watch them grow up and well on and on.....I'd give anything to have my mom here.  I see so many people take their parents for granted.  : (

Now I know I started this off with a picture of a fire must be wondering, where in the hell is she going with this?

Back to my mom....of course...stay with me, I have a point to make!   

My mom always told me to "make sure you wear clean underwear and keep your toenails polished."   I think she told me that when I was about 10, and it stuck!  She said, "Kimberly, you just never know when a fireman is going to have to rescue you or you are going to be in an accident and the ambulance drivers will see you."    Okay, FIRST of all... how did she even know that I was going to grow up and be obsessed with FIREMEN?????  MOM's KNOW everything!  Secondly, WHY would a fireman or Ambulance driver be concerned with my toe nail polish and whether or not I have clean underwear on?  I'm just sayin', if I'm in an accident that requires firemen or an ambulance, chances are my underwear is gonna be a little messed up! i wrap up this sad little story....Love your Mama's....wear clean underwear and keep your toes nicely painted, unless you are a guy, cause that looks weird.  


Anonymous said...

I guess you do like fireman. Who else would stop a fire truck in NYC to get a picture with a fireman, set off the smoke alarm so the firemen would come to your house or know what day the firemen shop at Kroger.

Unknown said...

Only my husband would know this information...well, and anyone else that reads my FB!